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Clinical Solutions in Practice

Getting Quicker Answers On The Presence Of PAD

Danielle Chicano, Editorial Associate
November 2012

The statistics on peripheral arterial disease (PAD) are staggering. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that approximately 8 million people in the United States have PAD. This includes 12 to 20 percent of people over the age of 60. Accordingly, appropriate testing for this condition is essential.

   BioMedix has developed PADnet, which offers an automated means of obtaining ankle-brachial index (ABI)/toe-brachial index (TBI) values and pulse volume recording (PVR) waveforms. This easy-to use, 10- to 20-minute test can help identify obstructive disease in patients and determine whether medical or surgical treatment is necessary, according to BioMedix.

   BioMedix highlights PADnet’s ease and timeliness, noting that one can send test results instantly to a vascular specialist for interpretation. Specialists can review results at their convenience from any secure Internet connection in the world. Not only does the system ensure both speed and error-free transmission, it does so while maintaining HIPAA compliance, explains the company.

   Farshid Nejad, DPM, FACFAS, notes he has been using PADnet for approximately three years, adding that its usefulness, ease and consistency are advantages that help PADnet outshine similar devices.

   “We were using another device but it was too cumbersome and time consuming so at times, we would refer out so we didn’t tie up our exam rooms,” explains Dr. Nejad. “We use PADnet more frequently than we did our previous device, yielding a win-win situation for the patient and our practice.”

   The device self-calibrates before each use and provides numerical and graphical readings, which the physician can easily and effectively communicate to the patient, adds Dr. Nejad, a Fellow of the American Professional Wound Care Association.

   Not only can physicians easily communicate results to patients, PADnet helps facilitate patient adherence, allowing for routine testing with the system annually, notes Angela L. Drury, DPM, FACFAS. “I use PAD testing for all my diabetic patients, especially when evaluating them for the vascular component of comprehensive diabetic foot exam,” explains Dr. Drury, who is in practice in Albuquerque, N.M. “I also use PADnet for any patient that is seeing me for foot care and is in the age group of risk for PAD.”

   According to Dr. Drury, PADnet allows her to incorporate the highest level of patient care and she emphasizes its importance when evaluating the vascular component of the comprehensive diabetic foot examination.

   With the multitude of advantages using PADnet, Dr. Nejad notes it is a great asset to his practice. “PADnet is well worth the investment as we are doing more exams in less time. This makes the patient feel more at ease when the exam is short and sweet,” explains Dr. Nejad. “Because the device requires less involvement from the operator, there is less user error and more consistent results.”

