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Volume 22 - Issue 7 - July 2009

Gerit Mulder, DPM, MS, FAPWCA, and Daniel K. Lee, DPM, FACFAS
Gerit Mulder, DPM, MS, FAPWCA, and Da...
Biological extracellular matrices may play a valuable role in reducing potential complications and facilitating improved wound healing. Accordingly, these authors review the literature, discuss key considerations with the use of these...
Biological extracellular matrices may play a valuable role in reducing potential complications and facilitating improved wound healing. Accordingly, these authors review the literature, discuss key considerations with the use of these...
Biological extracellular...
Podiatry Today
Howard Kimmel, DPM, MBA, Jennifer Regler, DPM, and Jeremy Gray, DPM
Howard Kimmel, DPM, MBA, Jennifer Reg...
When one ensures proper patient selection, surgical offloading may offer key benefits for patients with diabetic foot ulcerations. Accordingly, these authors offer insights and review study findings on the use of flexor tenotomies, metatarsal...
When one ensures proper patient selection, surgical offloading may offer key benefits for patients with diabetic foot ulcerations. Accordingly, these authors offer insights and review study findings on the use of flexor tenotomies, metatarsal...
When one ensures proper patient...
Podiatry Today
Point: Lee C. Rogers, DPM, Counter Point: Michael Miller, DO
Point: Lee C. Rogers, DPM, Counter Po...
Yes. Lee C. Rogers, DPM cites the evidence from negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) trials and says the characteristics of NPWT foam facilitate the development of granulation tissue and improved healing in diabetic foot ulcers.    There is...
Yes. Lee C. Rogers, DPM cites the evidence from negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) trials and says the characteristics of NPWT foam facilitate the development of granulation tissue and improved healing in diabetic foot ulcers.    There is...
Yes. Lee C. Rogers, DPM cites...
Podiatry Today
Kazu Suzuki, DPM, and Lisa Cowan, PhD, MS-2
Kazu Suzuki, DPM, and Lisa Cowan, PhD...
Appropriate debridement sets the stage for the conversion of chronic wounds into acute wounds, and eventual healing. With this in mind, these authors discuss essential patient considerations and offer a salient overview of debridement options...
Appropriate debridement sets the stage for the conversion of chronic wounds into acute wounds, and eventual healing. With this in mind, these authors discuss essential patient considerations and offer a salient overview of debridement options...
Appropriate debridement sets the...
Podiatry Today
Alexander M. Reyzelman, DPM, FACFAS, and Narek Garukyan, BS
Alexander M. Reyzelman, DPM, FACFAS, ...
Given the potential complications associated with chronic wounds in high-risk patients, the authors debate the merits of different approaches to wound closure and explore emerging concepts in the combination of mechanical assistance and...
Given the potential complications associated with chronic wounds in high-risk patients, the authors debate the merits of different approaches to wound closure and explore emerging concepts in the combination of mechanical assistance and...
Given the potential...
Podiatry Today

